Are you aware that your body has the amazing capacity to cure health problems on its own? It does only if you give it a chance to do so. The best way of giving such an opportunity to your body is fasting, as it awakens such self curing capacity – clean, repair and recharge. What is improper fasting?
Skipping a meal and eating everything else is not fasting. You end up eating more food than a normal meal.
Skipping all solid food, but drinking coffee, tea, soft drinks, milk, alcohol etc is not fasting. All the chemicals cause ulcers and burning inside the stomach.
Stopping everything, including water is not proper fasting. This is very dangerous. You will have a dehydrated body – you get dizzy and faint.
Such type of fasting does more harm to the body than help. People get into serious problems by fasting the wrong way and go for doctor’s help. A few such cases make your doctor conclude that fasting is harmful. Those that get benefited by doing fasting the right way won’t go to the doctor.
Dieting is not fasting. Its purpose is weight reduction.
Drinking fruit juice is better, but it is not perfect fasting
Drinking only water is fasting, but it is also not safe as there is no energy supply. Your body gets very weak.
Proper way of doing water fasting:
You need to be aware of all the facts about fasting before doing it – when and how to do, who should do and who should not and benefits of fasting – so that you don’t get any surprises. Even children can get benefited.
You need water – for cleaning toxins and waste matter.
You need something more to give energy. You need around 800 cal of glucose per day to keep the brain cells active. At the same time, you need a substance that doesn’t need digestion.
Processed glucose or sugar contains chemicals that are added during processing. The best substance that can give instant energy without digestion is Honey. Without digestion, the best one to give glucose is honey. Honey also has medicinal properties, antibiotic, anti bacterial, antiseptic. Instant energy, you won’t feel hungry, no dizziness and no weakness on next day
Pure honey has no expiry date. Don’t keep honey in fridge. Don’t use wet spoon.
Packaged honey has expiry date because of the chemicals added while processing.
Honey may freeze in severe winter, whether it is pure honey or packaged one.
If you can get unprocessed pure honey, it is the best. Be aware, if honey is not original, it doesn’t give the expected benefits. If you are not sure of the quality, to be on safe side, use honey from a reputed brand. Even though it lost a few good properties because of mild heating, it is better.
Water Fasting procedure:
One day fasting for health. Choose a convenient day for fast, may be Sunday? Fine. There are two reasons for choosing Sunday:
1) Holiday for work. 2) People have a great tendency to ever eat and enjoy on Sunday. You will avoid that part if you fast on that day.
6.00am: You got up from sleep.
6.25am: Finish early morning duties like brushing, evacuation (if you are habituated) etc.
6.30am: Drink the first installment of water of 1 to 11/4 lt and pass stool.
6.45 to 7.45am: Pranayamas or meditation.
8.00am: Drink the second installment of water of 1 to 11/4 lt and pass stool.
If you couldn’t evacuate in any one or both attempts in spite of keeping your mind on it, don’t be overly worried.
9.00am: Drink one glass of water.
9.30am: Drink one glass of water + honey + lemon juice
How to mix water, honey, lemon juice for water fasting?
You will be consuming a total of 250gm of honey on the day of fasting. You are going to have honey water 7 times, which works out 36gm of honey for each time. One teaspoonful of honey weighs 7gm. You need to use 5 teaspoonfuls.
Take 1 glass (250ml) of boiled and cooled (lukewarm) water in a container. Add 5 teaspoonfuls of honey. Squeeze one medium sized lemon into it, mix well and sip slowly, savoring the taste. Lemon gives you vitamin C that creates antibodies that boost the immune system. Always drink freshly mixed honey + lemon water.
To be on safe side, each time you drink honey and lemon, rinse your mouth well with plain water to safeguard your teeth.
11.00am: Drink one glass of water
11.30am: Water + honey +lemon juice
1.00pm: Water
1.30pm: Water + honey + lemon juice
3.00pm: water
3.30pm: Water + honey + lemon juice
5.00pm: Water
5.30pm: Water + honey + lemon juice
7.00pm: water
Stop drinking water after 7.00pm so that you will have undisturbed sleep. Otherwise, you may have to get up for urination. If you feel very weak or dizzy, you may have honey water with less water content before you go to sleep.
Go to sleep at 10.00 or 10.30pm. Even though you didn’t eat anything the whole day, you won’t feel tired or weak.
The next day of water fasting:
The next day of fasting falls on Monday, since we selected Sunday for fasting. As usual, as on Sunday, you will have the program of passing stool twice after drinking 1lt of water each time.
If you find the stool color black, nothing to be alarmed. It is not from what you ate, because, you didn’t eat any. It is the dead bacteria and dead cells.
Half an hour after the 2nd evacuation, have 250 to 300ml of mixed vegetable juice. If you can’t manage vegetable juice, have fruit juice. After one hour, you can have breakfast of sprouts or fruits. Have normal lunch. Have fruits at 4 or 5pm. Finish your dinner by 6 or 6.30pm with 2 or 3 phulkas and raw vegetables. This completes one day of water fasting for health.
Fasting for weight loss
Are you overweight?
If you like to do fasting to lose weight, do juice fasting on Monday instead of what was described in the above paragraph.
After the usual 2 stools, leave half an hour gap and drink 250-300ml of fresh fruit juice. You can add one tablespoon of honey, if you wish - it is not mandatory. After 2 hrs, drink one glass of warm water (boiled and cooled). Again fresh fruit juice after 2 hours, then water after 2 hours. Repeat this juice and water combination. No solid food ot any other type of liquid food for the day.
3rd day (Tuesday) - Fruit fasting.
After 2 stools in the morning: Give 30 min gap and drink 250-300ml fresh fruit juice. You will repeat the three items:
Fruit juice ---11/2hrs--- Fruits—11/2hrs----Water---11/2hrs---Fruit juice…….etc
10 day weight reduction program
How do you gain weight?
You may be wondering, ’I don’t eat oily stuff. Still I gain weight!’ Not necessary.
If you eat anything that is in excess of your body’s requirement, it turns into fat.
Do this 10 day program once every 50 or 60 days.
Fruit fast, juice fast for weight reduction: 10 day program
Day1, day2 and day3 Water fasting as described above. Only 3 days of water fast
Day4 to Day10 Juice fasting. You can substitute fruit juice with tender coconut water or sugarcane juice, once or twice.
Benefits of water fasting
Cleans up your body and improves immune system
Heals injuries, fractures, joint pains etc much faster.
You will recover from health problems like cols, cough, fever etc without medication. It gives much faster relief if you start fasting as soon as the initial symptoms how up.
Health of your liver improves.
Fasting is considered to have positive effect on cancer cells – cell multiplication gets reduced.
Increase life span
Fasting burns fat - all chemicals deposited in fat cells get washed away.
Tips for safe and effective fasting for health
Don’t attempt long term fasting (more than 6 days) without the guidance of qualified naturopath.
During water fasting:
Do not exercise or practice asanas. You can do Meditation and pranayama.
Take as much rest as possible. Avoid mental strain, stress and tension.
Avoid smoking, tea, coffee or alcohol
Avoid all medicines that may make you dizzy.
Be aware of how to break your fast in the morning of the next day of fast
Frequently asked questions
So much intake of lemon juice in a day – doesn’t it cause burning and ulcers?
Lemon is a fruit just like orange. More over, it is very much diluted with water. It is rich source of C vitamin that creates antibodies and makes the body’s immune system strong.
If you don’t eat anything throughout the day, will it not cause stomach ulcers and burning because of the acids secreted inside?
Your body secrets digestive juices only when there is a possibility of food reaching the stomach. Salt is the main substance that causes burning. Honey is a good energy giving item that doesn’t need digestion. It also heals injuries
How do you get sleep with empty stomach?
If you do water fasting willingly, you get good sleep. If you keep thinking of empty stomach and keep imagining various foods, you may not get sleep.
If you fast for so many days, will it not kill hunger permanently?
That happens in case of very long fasting. That is the exact reason why you shouldn’t attempt long term fasting without the guidance of expert. During short term fasting, your hunger will improve.
Water fasting is the best way for giving your body a chance to clean and recharge. You can cure/prevent various health problems before they become major illness.
Fasting means giving rest to your body by doing two things:
Stop eating – Resting the digestive system.
Stop working – Resting the body and mind.
You should do this in such in such a way that it doesn’t cause harm to the body. Your body functions don’t come to standstill completely during such forced rest. A few essential organs - heart, lungs and kidneys keep working, but at a much slower pace. The body diverts its resources to repair, recharge and clean. This type of fasting is different from what people do for religious and social reasons. Even though the original intention of religious fasting is for health, people misunderstood the whole concept and do which ever way they like and get into lot of trouble.
How does the body clean and repair itself?
Did you notice small deposits at the corners of your eyes or thick deposit on your tongue when you get up in the morning? Your eyes got cleaned of all the air pollutants that entered your eyes. The How did the cut on your skin get healed? How do broken bone pieces join? The doctor only aligns the two pieces; your body does the rest.
To do the repair and cleaning fast and efficient, your body needs sufficient rest. Fasting for health is a method that gives your body all the needed rest.
Why should you do fasting? What does the body do during fasting?
The question that comes to the mind is – Is fasting a must for the body to do all the cleaning work?
No, it is not a must. No animal or bird does fasting. Still they are healthy for life. Like animals and birds, if you strictly do the day and night duties as nature stipulated, you don’t need to do fasting. But if you over-use the body, like majority of us do, it needs periodic fasting to finish the pending cleaning work and recoup the energy.
Nothing else benefits the body the way fasting does. Fasting for health is a way of getting rid of your health problems without medical help.
Body performs 4 functions during the cleaning process:
Waste removal
Repair damaged and sick cells
Remove infections caused by bacteria, virus etc.
Recharge tired cells to make them ready for next action.
Waste gets generated in the body during the normal functioning (metabolism). . Waste consists of undigested food, dead cells and bacteria, toxins, chemicals, carbon dioxide etc. This waste should be thrown out on a regular basis to keep the body healthy. Fasting for health is the best way to do this.
Where is waste generated?
Your body needs energy. Energy is produced in the cell by way of metabolism. Air, water and food are required for this. The waste generated during this process is also in three forms – gas, liquid and solid. Metabolism is the set of chemical processes in the body that converts food into energy and transportation of substances to and between cells. We grow, reproduce and respond to the environment through metabolism.
These three forms of waste are taken to the respective ‘waste eliminating organs’ from where, the waste goes out of the body. There are 4 waste eliminating organs – lungs, kidneys, skin and colon. If all the waste is removed from the body on daily basis, your body remains healthy. If not, it causes auto intoxication-toxins are reabsorbed into the system and make you sick.
The sad part is, when you fall sick because of accumulated waste, you run to the doctor. You will find very few doctors who aim at removing the cause. Majority of them aim at relieving the symptoms, instead of the cause. The result is, you end up swallowing some pills – adding chemicals into your body. As soon as the effect of medicines is gone, you will find sickness in another form – since the source of the problem is still there.
Why waste is not removed regularly?
Every machine needs energy to run. Certain waste is generated during this process and a certain amount of wear and tear is also unavoidable. Periodic servicing (cleaning and repair) minimizes breakdowns and increases its life.
Your body is also a machine and needs periodic servicing for functioning trouble free for a long time. If you don’t give periodic servicing, it breaks down. Such breakdown is illness. We fall sick because of no or improper servicing. The good news is, our body can do servicing on its own and it is automatic. The bad news is, we don’t give enough opportunity. Fasting for health is such an opportunity.
Every object of the nature is made in a certain way. Every living thing, whether it is a human being, bird or animal, is designed to follow certain natural laws for healthy existence. Breaking the natural laws invites illness.
All living beings are either diurnal (active during the day time and take complete rest during night) or nocturnal (active during the night, rest during the day time). Since any animal or bird follows this rule of the nature very strictly, its body remains healthy as long as it lives. No heart ailments, no diabetes, no kidney failure, etc… No constipation either.
Humans are thinking animals. They break all the rules, particularly, rules of nature. This is the exact reason why the body to become unhealthy and suffer from many diseases.
Nature designed us to be diurnal – Eat and work during the day time and take rest during the night to give time for the body for recharge, repair and clean. Unfortunately, majority of us don’t follow this rule. We eat and work not only during day, but also at night and are wakeful most of the night. As your body muscles are not designed to work for longer than 12 hours, they get drained of all the energy and more toxins get accumulated. The body has practically no time for repair and cleaning.
The result is – repair takes very long time and cleaning doesn’t happen at all. Toxins get accumulated, get reabsorbed, body immune system weakens, diseases invade the body and functioning of some parts of the body may be affected. This is where fasting for health can save your body.
What are the daily activities of your body?
Day time: 12 hrs
Your body does two functions during the day – digest the food you eat and take care of your work activities. All the organs are busy in these two functions.
Night: 12 hrs
When you rest during the night, except essential organs like heart, lungs and kidneys, all other organs take rest. Activity of even the essential organs slows down.
Hence, the secret of keeping your body healthy is, live the nature’s way. Keep the day’s activities for day time and night activities for night. That is what other animals do. You can’t reverse or mix the activities.
When majority of the organs take rest; body starts the process of repair, cleaning and recharge. The more time your body gets to do this, the better. It is true that today’s lifestyle demands eating and working during night also. But, it is not good for the body. Postponement of cleaning and repair activities makes your body unhealthy.
The basic fact one shouldn’t forget is: If you keep your lifestyle hectic and don’t look after your body, you become sick and end up in hospital with prolonged rest forced on you. Instead, if you look after your body well and keep it fit all the time, you can do much more.
Who can do fasting?
Fasting for health immensely benefits your body. It is particularly useful if you are troubled by constipation frequently. Since fasting prevents additional generation of fecal matter, your colon will not face additional load. If your constipation a long standing one, the best way to clean your colon is to go for seven day colon cleanse enema with two or three days of water fasting.
However, there is one exception: If all the points mentioned below apply to you, you need not do fasting, because, your body is doing the repair, cleaning and recharge regularly. You mostly don’t have health problems if you…
Are a vegetarian
Consume 50 to 60% of raw food
Avoid junk food
Drink 4 to 5 liters of water everyday (depends on your age),
Have satisfactory, semi-solid stool 2 or 3 times a day
Finish your dinner by 6.30 or 7.00pm
Have 6-7hrs of sound sleep every night
Use zero/minimum medication
Exercise regularly
Are stress and tension free
If any one of the above points doesn’t apply to you, fasting for health will definitely benefit you.
You may ask: ‘If I follow strict and healthy lifestyle and satisfy all the above points, I should never fall sick. But does it really happen?’
Yes, partially true.
We all live in real world –
Water and air pollution
Adulteration of food items
Use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers
Use of preservatives
These external factors certainly influence your health. However, your chance of falling ill is considerably less, since your immune system is quite strong and you built up enough resistance power.
In the event of sickness like cold, fever etc., instead of using medication, if you do water fasting until the symptoms are gone (A maximum of 6 days only. or more with the advice and supervision of qualified naturapath), you will further strengthen your immune system.
However, there are some exceptions. Under certain circumstances, you should avoid fasting - fasting for health or any type of fasting. The exceptions are given below.
Who shouldn’t do fasting?
Growing children
Pregnant women
Recently delivered women
People aged above 65-70 years
People addicted to coffee, tea etc…(If you stop it for a day, you may get a severe reaction like headache etc.)
Heavy smokers
People using a number of medicines
People that do hard physical work
People who consume 100% raw food.
Breaking the natural laws of living causes illness. You will get into more trouble by opting for immediate relief through medication. Medicines don’t remove the root cause. Fasting for health is the best way for cure and prevention.
What is colon cleansing? Which is the best colon cleanse?
Colon cleanse is a procedure to remove stool and flush out parasites from the colon. Colon cleansing is done if
You suffer from long standing constipation / and its harmful side effects. Constipation causes accumulation of rotten or decomposed stool as a thick lining on the walls of the colon. It becomes a breeding ground for disease causing parasites. Unclean colon makes re-absorption of toxins into the blood. Colon cleansing is the first step before treating constipation.
Before certain medical procedures like surgery, colonoscopy etc.
There are two types of procedures:
Colonic irrigation Colonic irrigation involves injecting plain water or water mixed with herbs or other cleansing supplements into the colon through the rectum. Water is injected using special equipment or by natural pressure. For this procedure, either you go to a practitioner or you do it at home.
Oral cleansing supplements Some of the oral supplements are - dietary fiber, laxatives, enzymes, herbs, powders, capsules etc.
Many colon cleansing supplements are available in the market. Some of them are given attractive names to lure people. Two of the terms used most are ‘natural colon cleansers’ and ‘herbal colon cleansers’. Such names do not guarantee safety.
Since there is no regulating body to assure quality, potency and safety of these products, be careful in selecting them.
Which products are good? I can’t recommend any one because; I didn’t try any of them. That doesn’t mean to say not to use them. You may use after verifying thoroughly. But, I am going to suggest you the best colon cleanse, the one I used and continue to use.
Is colon cleansing really required? Does colon cleansing work?
Many argue that colon cleansing is not needed. Colon has the ability to clear its contents naturally through its peristaltic movement. The statement is very true. Not only colon, our entire body has the ability to repair, recharge, detoxify and clean itself.
At the same time, it is also true that humans are suffering from so many diseases – every organ from head to toe is affected. New and more dangerous diseases are surfacing each day in spite of so many super specialty hospitals, doctors specialized in each organ, new drugs and most modern clinical equipment. Why?
Can our body really repair and cleanse itself? It can and it does, provided, we allow it. Majority of health problems are due to our interference with its functioning. As an example, your car will give continuous trouble free service if and only if you follow certain guidelines given by the manufacturer.
Your body also has certain needs. If you provide them (and only them) in the right quantity at the right time, you get a trouble free service - no health problems for life.
But, we misuse our body so much in every possible way by ignorance or indifference. When we get into trouble, we are forced to look for external processes like the best colon cleanse. How do we mistreat our body?
Our body has seven basic needs. Let us see how we deny our body of these basic needs.
Air Our breathing technique is flawed. The air is contaminated with smoke and chemicals.
Water It is the most neglected need. We don’t drink the right quantity of water at the right time. Drinking water at the wrong time causes harm to the body.
Food We eat the very unhealthy food. The food we eat is contaminated with chemicals, has zero fiber, depleted of nutrients, empty calories, nutrition unbalance etc. More chemicals are pumped into the body through medications.
Exercise Many of us have very little or no exercise, either too busy or too lazy.
Proper waste removal We have constipation – clogged colon with toxins and decomposed stool. We don’t like to urinate – chemical and toxins re-enter blood. We don’t like to sweat, so use body sprays – escape of toxins through the skin is also blocked.
Sufficient rest We hardly give any rest to the body – body gets no time for repair and recharge.
Healthy mind Stressful present day lifestyle, always on the run, corrupt thoughts – we have very unhealthy mind.
If we don’t provide even one of the seven needs of the body properly, how can one expect it to do its job properly?
That is why the need for processes like colon cleansing arises. Once you start respecting your body’s needs - give what your body wants and don’t do anything that is harmful to it, your health problems start disappearing one by one. That is guaranteed.
Ok. The discussion got deviated from the main subject – the best colon cleanse.
Colon cleansing side effects
Depending on the method you use, you are likely to get different side effects.
Dehydration. Flushing out too much water from the colon can cause dehydration, which in turn results in dizziness and mineral unbalance.
If the cleanser is very strong, along with fecal matter, it can wash out some mucus lining of the colon walls. The presence of mucus should warn you.
During colon irrigation process, bowel perforation and infection can occur if not done carefully.
You may get symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating and cramps.
Some substances that are mixed with water during colon irrigation cause allergic reactions.
Long term use of colon cleansing will cause colon inertia – losing the natural ability to expel feces.
Some colon cleansing supplements interfere with the functioning of medication.
So, what is the perfect solution?
Which is the best colon cleanse ?
Colon cleansing enema with plain water is the best colon cleanse. I strongly recommend it because I used the process. However, you may verify the facts with your specialist doctor before doing it. The advantages are:
It is a simple process, takes less than an hour.
You can do it in the comfort of your home, on any day you feel convenient. No appointment with expert, no fat fees to be paid.
None of the side effects of other cleansing processes, as no chemicals or supplements are added.
It is neither habit forming nor causes colon inertia.
The colon cleansing enema kit is very much affordable.
Seven day colon cleanse enema recommended here is a natural and safe way to get rid of worms and intestinal parasites, apart from getting a super clean colon. The wonderful part of it is - no side effects, you can do it yourself at home and it costs nothing. We already know that out of numerous colon cleanse methods, the best colon cleanse is colon cleanse enema.
What is colon cleansing?
It is a procedure to remove stagnated stool and flush out parasites from colon. If you are severely constipated, your colon gets filled with fecal matter accumulated over a long time. Hardened dry stool sticks to the colon walls as a thick layer. It gets so tough, it is very difficult to dislodge it. Colon cleanse enema is the only solution.
Why should you remove fecal matter from the colon?
Fecal matter consists of undigested food, dead germs and bacteria, dead cells and toxins generated during body’s metabolism. This fecal matter is more toxic than the garbage generated in your kitchen.
You need to clear your kitchen once a day, may be more often. If not, it begins to decompose, foul smell starts. Further, it putrefies and giving birth to germs and bacteria. You house becomes unhealthy to live.
Remember, the fecal matter inside your colon is more toxic. It needs complete removal daily and regularly. If not, It decomposes, putrefies and breeds disease causing germs and bacteria. The whole body becomes toxic and unhealthy.
Your body’s immune system becomes weak - its protective power reduces. It becomes heaven for germs, bacteria, worms and parasites. You body is prone to all sorts of diseases.
Un-expelled fecal matter accumulated for days loses its water content and becomes dry and hard – fecal compaction. The peristaltic movement of such over filled colon gets hampered and slowly loses its natural ability to expel.
You find a number of drugs for constipation relief – Laxatives, stool softeners etc. They give some relief. They are not for long term use. Long term use of such short term solutions cause more harm than benefits.
The best colon cleanse is colon cleanse enema. The seven day colon cleanse, in addition to dislodging and removing hardened fecal matter, effectively flushes out intestinal worms and parasites.
Seven day colon cleanse consists of
Three days of normal plain water colon cleanse enema
Three days of enema with plain water and neem leaves
Neem tree grows in tropical and semi-tropical regions of mainly India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The tree is well known for its medicinal properties.
In addition to neem oil, traditional Indian medicine uses the roots, bark, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds in a number of products.
Neem is anthelmintic, anti-fungal, anti-diabetic and antibacterial.
Anthelmintics or antihelminthics are drugs that expel parasitic worms from the body, by either stunning(vermifuges) or killing(vermicides) them.
Neem is a key ingredient in non-pesticidal management, providing a natural alternative to synthetic pesticides.
Seven day Colon Cleanse Enema
Take 200 grams of fresh neem leaves. Soak them in clean plain water for ½ hour. Rinse thoroughly to remove any dust.
If your enema can is of one liter capacity, add another 250 ml. Take that much fresh water in a clean vessel, add the neem leaves and keep it for boiling. After boiling, cool it until the water is lukewarm. Filter out the leaves.
The water gets a light green color. Use this water for enema.
Your colon is reasonably clean with the first three days of plain water colon cleansing enema. The next three days will flush out the worms and parasites and dislodges hard fecal matter sticking to the colon walls.
Finally, with the last day’s plain water enema, your colon is at least 90% clean, if not 100%.
After the seven day colon cleanse enema, you start following the five steps given above for constipation cure and you are on your way to get rid of your long standing constipation.
It is an easy way to clean your colon by removing accumulated stool. Constipation causes stool to get accumulated inside your colon. If all the waste matter that enters the colon is not going out on a daily basis, you are constipated. The ideal daily equation is:
Stool frequency = Meal frequency That is, if you have three meals a day, you should evacuate three times. The condition is – your evacuations must be satisfactory. When you come out of the toilet, you should feel light and happy. You shouldn’t feel as if something or a lot of it is still left out – it is an unsatisfactory evacuation.
Constipation makes the inside environment of your body dirty. Dirty environment becomes a breeding ground for diseases. Unfortunately, we take great care of only outside cleaning – take bath, use body sprays, wear clean clothes etc. but neglect the dirt inside, getting into many health problems.
Colon cleansing enema is the best and safest way of cleaning your colon. It is also called constipation enema or constipation relief enema.
What is an enema?
Enema is – pushing a liquid into the colon through anus for a purpose. Different purposes of enema are:
To clean the rectum and colon either to relieve from constipation or to do medical examination.
To detoxify the body.
As alternative medical treatment.
There are different types of enemas - plain water enema, coffee enema, barium enema, saline enema etc - used for different purposes.
For colon cleansing enema, we use plain water – clean/purified/filtered drinking water is boiled and cooled to body temperature before using. That is why it is very safe with no side effects. It is a natural enema because, no chemicals are added.
Homemade enema - How to do an enema yourself at home?
Home enema is very simple and fast. All you need is a home enema kit, clean plain water and a little bit of lubricating jelly or oil. You can buy home enema kits that don’t pinch your pocket and they last for years, if you use carefully.
What does an enema kit consist of?
One enema can or enema bag.
Long transparent plastic tube called colon tube.
Enema nozzle.
While buying a home enema kit for colon cleansing enema, take care of the following points:
An easy to clean enema container that doesn’t age with time or usage.
Plastic Enema Can
Stainless steel can is hygienic. However, I prefer transparent plastic can. You can see the rate of water flow and how much water is still remaining in the can. It is difficult to clean an enema bag and it ages with time and usage. A plastic can doesn’t contaminate if you clean it and wipe out the wetness immediately after use.
Transparent enema tube made of latex-free plastic as it is difficult to dry the tube completely.
Enema nozzle should have ‘an easy to control’ knob that doesn’t leak water.
Catheter or insertion tip should be latex free and of correct size for the user.
Normally, enema cans come in 1.5 liter capacity. Doing enema yourself is very easy. Once you do it three or four times, you become more familiar with the whole process.
Enema tube & Nozzle
Lets us go into the process of colon cleansing enema.
The best time for enema is early in the morning before you eat or drink anything and the best place is the bathroom cum toilet. If you have a small platform or bench for lying down, you can avoid lying on the floor.
If you have the habit of passing stool in the morning, it does not interfere with your cleansing – do the colon cleansing enema after passing regular stool.
If you like to do it in the evening, say at 6 P.M, finish your lunch by 2P.M. and don’t eat or drink much after that until you finished enema.
Enema Kit
On the first day, start with one liter of water.
Boil the water and cool it to lukewarm. I used the word lukewarm to mean it slightly above room temperature – almost at body temperature.
Assemble the enema tube, nozzle and catheter. Attach the tube to the enema can. Close the control knob.
Apply lubricating gel or oil to the catheter – just for easy insertion.
Keep the enema can at a height of around 3 feet form the level you lie down.
The location of the can should make it easy to insert catheter into the rectum and the tube shouldn’t have any tension. It is also important that you will be able to observe the water level in the can without straining your neck. The can should stable. It shouldn’t tilt when water quantity decreases.
Fill the can with previously prepared water. It is just plain water. No need to add anything else.
Open the nozzle control slightly to fill the tube with water without air bubbles and close it back.
Lie down on you right side, insert the catheter slowly into the rectum about two inches.
Open the nozzle control such that the water enters into the rectum slowly. By observing the water level in the can, you can know how fast the water is going. It shouldn’t be very slow or very fast.
Relax. Let the water go inside and spread in the colon. If the water is lukewarm, you will feel it. Never use hot water.
It is very likely that you will feel the pressure to pass stool. Was there an occasion when you had a great urge to pass stool and didn’t have access to toilet? Somehow you had to suppress or withstand the urge? You may get similar feeling and you have to control it. Don’t be alarmed. It will subside in a few seconds. You may get such urge more than once.
When all the water entered your colon, you will see air bubbles in the tube, moving from the can towards the rectum. Close the control knob and pull out the catheter from the rectum slowly. At that time, if there is great urge to pass stool, wait until it subsides and then only pull out the catheter.
The first part of colon cleanse enema is complete.
Get up slowly, sit on the commode. Relax. Let it go. Stool gets soft in the presence of water. If you feel only water is gushing out, apply some control to release it as slowly as possible. Stool should pass along with water. It takes around 15 minutes to empty the bowels. You will feel very light after the evacuation.
Do you feel that stool has gone out completely? Good. But, it is not over yet. There is one more step still remaining. Press the lower abdomen a few times and wait. It is to squeeze out more stool. After a few minutes you will get urge and some stool will come out. Apply a bit of strain to expel some more.
Repeat the process of pressing lower abdomen 2nd time and see if some more stool comes out.
Now the process of colon cleansing enema is complete. I am sure you are happy you did it.
Colon cleansing enema is the best way to clean you colon before starting action to get rid of your constipation.
Pavanamuktasana is very useful in giving relief from flatus. Excessive colon gas is one of the constipation side effects. This asana helps in releasing the gas trapped inside the colon and gives immediate relief from stomach bloating.
Why does gas get trapped inside the colon?
When you are constipated, stool becomes compacted. It gets hard and dry as it stays inside the colon for a long time. Stagnated stool decomposes due to bacterial action. Gas gets released during this process. Since the stool is compact and hard, this gas has no way of escape.
As gas builds up, it causes abdominal distension and discomfort - stomach bloating. A better way to deal with this problem is to remove stool from the colon by colon cleansing. The best colon cleansing is – colon cleansing enema with plain water.
How ever, you can get some immediate relief through Pavanamuktasana. It helps in not only releasing flatus, but is also known to improve digestion.
The critical posture of this asana is – applying pressure on the chest and belly with the knees and thighs.
Lie down on the mat in the relaxed position with your legs spread side by side. Let your hands be straight on your sides close to the body with palms facing the ground. Breathe normally.
Inhale. While exhaling, slowly raise the right leg without bending the knee, while the left leg is still straight on the floor. Inhale while doing this.
Bend the right leg at the knee, until the thigh is pressed 3. against the belly.
Wrap your arms around the knee as shown and pull the thigh towards the body to apply more pressure on the belly. Inhale deeply.
Exhale. While exhaling, raise your head and bend the neck so that your forehead touches the knee to apply pressure on the chest.
Try to maintain in this position for a few seconds. While in this position, inhale and exhale deeply. While exhaling, tighten the grip of your hands on the knee and while inhaling, loosen the grip.
Follow the same steps in the reverse way to come back to normal position.
Practice 3 rounds with the right leg.
Repeat the posture, this time with the left leg and practice 3 rounds.
Repeat the process with both legs together - Dwipada Pavanamuktasana (shown in the images).
Always start with your right leg first and then your left leg, because right leg presses ascending colon and left leg presses descending colon. While practicing this asana, keep your mind on your breath and the pressure you are exerting on your chest and abdomen.
In addition to bringing out flatus, Pavanmuktasana pushes the stool as well to promote evacuation, improves peristaltic movement of colon, thus relieving constipation.
Your lower back and neck are stretched and strengthened. Relieves lower back pain.
Firms up muscles of abdomen and back, reduces fat.
By practicing regularly, this asana is known to cure impotency.
It is beneficial to people suffering from jaundice.
Improves flexibility of hip joints.
Pavanamuktasana is not for pregnant women. If you have undergone surgery, consult your doctor as well as yoga expert. People suffering from hemorrhoids, hernia, hyper tension, heart problems, unhealthy back conditions etc. should consult the doctor and yoga expert. Do not over stretch the neck or thighs during the process.
Air is the most important of the seven needs of the body to function trouble free. Proper breathing helps in supplying sufficient quantity of oxygen to the body and proper usage of lung capacity. Most of us know it. What we miss is the connection between proper breathing and constipation. Breathing exercises help in relieving constipation indirectly. The idea is to make the body relax. Remember, if your mind and body are full of tension, none of the organs work properly. If you can make the body relax, intestinal muscular contractions are proper and stool moves easily in the colon. Relaxed (relaxed doesn’t mean inactive) colon is very important in passing stool.
Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.- Andrew Weil, M.D.
Breathing has two functions: Supply of oxygen to various organs of the body and removal of waste products and toxins from the body.
Mental tensions force restricted breathing. When you have problems, you are tensed and tend adopt a body posture that causes reduced lung capacity. Your breathing becomes shorter.
Your breathing tends to be shallow when you concentrate on some serious work. It may also happen that you almost forget to breathe and suddenly you become aware of it.
Awareness breathing
Most of the time, we are not aware of our breathing. Try this awareness breathing. Stop thinking of other things and try to concentrate on your breathing. Be aware of the air going in and coming out. Be aware of how your belly and chest are moving when you inhale and exhale. Do this for 10 minutes at a time, three to four times a day. This improves your concentration and soothes your mind when you are angry or tensed.
When your breathing is too shallow and short, it limits both oxygen intake and waste elimination. The body is starved of oxygen and toxin build up occurs. It leads to reduced vital energy, premature aging and poor immune system.
Deep breathing
As shallow breathing does not use full capacity of the lungs, do this deep breathing exercise two or three times a day to start with:
You may do this while sitting, standing or lying down. You can do it in your office or while traveling.
Breathe out slowly, emptying your lungs. Allow the belly contract as if air is coming 1. out of the belly.
Breathe in slowly as you expand the belly and then the chest.
When the lungs are full, hold your breath for a few seconds
Breathe out slowly, first releasing the chest and then the belly.
Repeat for 10 cycles.
Andrew Thomas Weil is an American author and physician, best known for establishing and popularizing the field of integrative medicine.
Dr. Weil says, since breathing is something we can control and regulate, it is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed and clear state of mind. He recommends three breathing exercises to help relax and reduce stress:
The Stimulating Breath
The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise (also called the Relaxing Breath)
Breath Counting.
I practice these breathing exercises and they are very effective. Try each and see how they affect your stress and anxiety levels.
Exercise 1: The Stimulating Breath (also called the Bellows Breath)
The Stimulating Breath is adapted from a yogic breathing technique. Its aim is to raise vital energy and increase alertness.
Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in duration, but as short as possible. This is a noisy breathing exercise.
Try for three in-and-out breath cycles per second. This produces a quick movement of the diaphragm, suggesting a bellows. Breathe normally after each cycle.
Do not do for more than 15 seconds on your first try. Each time you practice the Stimulating Breath, you can increase your time by five seconds or so, until you reach a full minute.
If done properly, you may feel invigorated, comparable to the heightened awareness you feel after a good workout. You should feel the effort at the back of the neck, the diaphragm, the chest and the abdomen. Try this breathing exercise the next time you need an energy boost and feel yourself reaching for a cup of coffee.
Exercise 2: The 4-7-8 (or Relaxing Breath) Exercise
This exercise is simple and can be done anywhere. Although you can do the exercise in any position, sit with your back straight while learning the exercise. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it there through the entire exercise. You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue; try pursing your lips slightly if this seems awkward.
Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
Hold your breath for a count of seven.
Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.
This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.
Note that you always inhale quietly through your nose and exhale audibly through your mouth. The tip of your tongue stays in position all the time. Exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation. The absolute time you spend on each phase is not important; the ratio of 4:7:8 is important.
If you have trouble holding your breath, speed up the exercise but keep to the ratio of 4:7:8 for the three phases. With practice you can slow it down and get used to inhaling and exhaling more and more deeply.
This exercise is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system. Its effect is less perceived in the beginning but gains in power with repetition and practice.
Do it at least twice a day. You cannot do it too frequently. Limit to a maximum of four breaths at a time for the first month of practice. Later, if you wish, you can extend it to eight breaths. If you feel a little lightheaded when you first breathe this way, do not be alarmed; it will pass.
Develop this technique by practicing it every day- it is a useful tool. Whenever something upsets you, use it before you react. Use it whenever you are tensed. It also induces sleep.
Exercise 3: Breath Counting
A deceptively simple technique much used in Zen practice.
Sit in a comfortable position with the spine straight and head inclined slightly forward. Gently close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then let the breath come naturally without trying to influence it. Ideally it will be quiet and slow, but depth and rhythm may vary.
To begin the exercise, count "one" as you exhale.
The next time you exhale, count "two," and so on up to "five."
Then begin a new cycle, counting "one" on the next exhalation.
Limit your counting to five and count only when you exhale- one breathing cycle is one count. If your mind begins to wander- if you become aware that what you're doing is chasing thoughts - you will look at the thought, acknowledge it, and then deliberately and consciously let it go and begin the count again at one.
The counting is a feedback to help you know when your mind has drifted off.
Try to do 10 minutes of this breathing exercise. It improves concentration.
Along with physical exercises, use breathing exercises also to relieve constipation and enjoy the benefits of natural colon cleanse. Since one of the vital factors of yoga is controlled breathing, if you are already practicing yoga for constipation, you need not go for breathing exercises separately.
Physical exercises or physical activity is one of the most effective ways of preventing many diseases. Constipation is one of them.
Since you get into more serious health problems because of constipation, you need to take your exercise more seriously. Being free of constipation assures you freedom from many of its negative effects.
Physical activity stimulates intestinal muscles too. Contraction of muscles of small intestine helps in the movement of food and contraction of colon muscles helps in the movement of fecal matter and its expulsion.
Improper or insufficient colon muscle movement keeps the stool longer inside the colon. The longer it stays inside, more water gets absorbed from it and stool becomes dry and hard. Hard stool is difficult to move and expel.
Regular physical exercise program is one of the basic requirements for treatment and prevention of constipation. Accelerated breathing and increased heart rate that happen during exercise stimulate intestinal muscles because of increased blood flow.
Best time for Physical exercises
Early morning after you pass stool is the right time for exercise. You can do it after a meal too but give a gap of at least one hour. Immediately after a meal, your body gets busy digesting food by increasing blood flow to digestive organs. In an hour or so, depending on what your meal consists of, the activity of digestive organs become slower and you can start your physical exercise program.
Best exercises for constipation There are no strict rules on this. It depends on your age and physical fitness. Specific to constipation, walking is a good exercise. 40 minutes to one hour at a stretch or 15 to 20 minutes at a time, doing three to four times a day is good.
If you are fully fit, you have plenty of choices – jogging, running, swimming, bicycle riding etc. You can opt for yoga too. There are certain yoga positions to keep you fit physically and mentally and there are others specially designed to relieve constipation.
Yoga Asanas
Yoga is an ancient scientific system of practice involving the body, mind and spirit. 'Yoga-asanas' is one of the 8 limbs or stages of Yoga. Where as gymnastics are limited to the physical body, yoga-asanas involve both body and mind.
In addition to physical exercises, yoga asanas give additional stimulation to intestinal organs.
Practice them and get-
Stimulation of every muscle, nerve and gland
Fit, strong and agile body
Quietened nerves
Disciplined mind
If you like to practice yoga asanas seriously for various benefits they offer, it is generally preferable to practice with the help of an experienced teacher affiliated to a reputed yoga institute. You may use books and videos to supplement your training.
However, if you are looking for constipation relief only, I suggest three asanas that you can do at home. The main aim of these postures is to strengthen and stimulate the complete digestive system – digestion, absorption and bowel movement.
Good for digestive disorders and constipation. Tones muscles of thighs, abdomen and arms. It releases intestinal gas.
Lie on your back.
Breathe out and bend both knees.
Hold both knees with locked hands.
Press thighs gently towards lower abdomen.
Raise head up until your forehead touches knees.
Maintain the position and breathe normally.
Breath in and return to original position.
Durations and Repetitions- Try to maintain the posture for 10 sec initially and increase up to 1 minute. Repeat the posture 3 to 4 times.
This posture stretches the entire back side from head to heels and massages digestive organs.
Sit straight on the floor or mat. Keep you legs together, stretched in front of you with toes pointing upwards.
Breath in and stretch your hands upwards above your head, simultaneously stretching the spine.
Breathe out and bend forward to reach your feet with hands. Keep your spine as elongated as possible with minimum curvature.
Try to hold your feet with your hands and gently pull your arms so that your head bends towards the knees as much as possible.
Relax and breathe normally. Hold on to this position for 10 seconds initially and through practice, you can keep it up to 5 minutes.
To come out of this posture, follow exactly reverse process.
This posture strengthens abdominal and intestinal muscles.
Lie down on your back. Keep your legs straight and feet together with toes pointing upwards.
Keep your hands straight, touching the sides of your body with palm facing the floor.
While breathing in, raise your legs slowly, with out bending your knees, until your legs are perpendicular to your body.
Try to bend your feet such that your toes point upwards.
Keep in this position for 10 seconds initially. You can increase up to 5 min.
Come back to normal lying potion while breathing out.
During this asana, don’t bend your knees.
Repeat it 3 to 4 times.
Importance of breathing exercise
Apart from physical exercises and yoga asanas, I suggest some breathing exercises as well.
Proper breathing helps in relieving constipation indirectly. The idea is to make the body relax. Remember, if your mind and body are full of tension, none of the organs work properly.
If you can make the body relax, intestinal muscular contractions are proper and stool moves easily in the colon. Relaxed (relaxed doesn’t mean inactive) colon is very important for healthy bowel movement.
Physical exercises are as important as drinking sufficient water, high fiber diet, avoiding junk food, healthy eating and lifestyle to avoid constipation.